Friday, August 09, 2024

Welcome to the Crazy Time

Everybody is so fucking crazy right now.
Twitter is mutual tweetstorm between the two sides, with each madly cherry-picking things the other said and putting the worst possible interpretation/spin...spinterpretation!...on them.
The lefties do this routinely--it's basically the central intellectual orientation of their movement... The righties aren't as routinely deranged about, nor as relentless...but they're fully capable of...sinking to the occasion.
I've recently been reading biographies of the early Presidents, up to Madison now. Now--with the possible exception of Washington, those guys were not perfect... But for the love of God what has happened to us??????? Do we actually have to choose between (a) a con man / reality tv host and (b) a deranged cult of child-castrators?
Somebody promise to put me out of my misery if either of them wins...


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