Saturday, August 10, 2024

Walz Did Not "Misspeak" About "Weapons of War"

No, this is bullshit.
I'm pretty annoyed at both sides in the Who's worse? battle between the Forces of Vance and the Forces of Walz...
Answer: Walz is worse. Incidentally.
I keed. 
Sort of.
In this quote, Walz goes too far out of his rhetorical way to make it plausible that he misspoke:
"We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at."
He goes out of his way to insert "...that I carried in war..." That is not misspeaking. That is lying.
And he's got a clear reason to do so: to try to establish some extra authority about M4/AR-15-type rifles. I mean, we've all (or, well, most/many of us, anyway) got experience handling them. So he gets little cred beyond that of the average American firearm enthusiast. So he adds that he "carried them in war."
   How bad is this? Meh. Medium? I mean, he already seems to be lying / stretching the truth about his service record. And I guess this is of a piece with that. I dunno.


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