Saturday, August 24, 2024

Shanahan/Kennedy Disagreement. Operation Warp Speed: Trump Has Nothing To Apologize For

I seem to be in a distinct minority in thinking that Trump handled COVID pretty damn well. I didn't realize that the vax was only part of Operation Warp Speed. Trump's biggest mistakes--including of course the crowning error, the lockdown--were responses to the shrieking and pressure from the medical establishment--as represented by Fauci--and the progressive left. For once he compromised--but in that case it was a mistake. As I wrote at the time, we should have followed Trump's hunch about reopening at Easter. (Of course we should have implemented the advice of the Great Barrington I also wrote at the time.)
   In response to shrieking by Andrew Cuomo and the progressive left, Trump sent two hospital ships to NYC...I'm not sure either ever saw a patient. In response to their shrieking about ventilators, Trump (with Kushner as the point man) invoked the Defense Production Act, and set up a system to transfer ventilators immediately upon changes in local demand. All admirably in accordance with Federalism as well. The progressive myth that Trump somehow botched COVID--by not completely conceding to hysteria--is, well, a myth. His error was to give in too much. And, don't forget, when he did float the idea of travel bans early on, the left--as it always does in every case--shrieked racism...
   Then there was the burning issue of 'China virus'... REEEEEEE! MORE RAZIZMZ!!!!111
   The left really has lost its damn mind.
   Anyway, as for the vax: I'm the very farthest thing from an expert. Obviously. But, FWIW (not much) I incline to agree with Kevin Roche, the Healthy Skeptic: the vax is not as good as the left claims, nor (nearly) as bad as the right claims. It's pretty good, and, if you're old or otherwise not-exactly-healthy, getting it is a good idea. It's not a miracle cure...but it's not going to do any of the crazy shit to you that the right says it will. Contra Biden, it does not "stop transmission cold." But it will not, for example, put tiny magnetic aliens into your bloodstream... The wingnuts really have gone off the deep end about it. They think that reading a few anonymous, hysterical blog posts puts them in a better position to assess the risks of the vax than the FDA's VAERS. FDA has no idea what's going on!!!...but REDNECKPATRIOT1776 is all over that shit!
   Anyway, uh...what's going on with Shanahan? I have no idea.


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