Friday, August 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Is Some Kind of Idiot


Honestly, I'm astonished.

I really had no idea how terrible she is.

She's so godawful that my elation at her terribleness flashed into being and then out again in about a second, to be replaced by vicarious embarrassment...which was then replaced by genuine fear that she might win.

I've only been able to watch bits and pieces of the interview because they are such extreme cringe that I end up turning them off.

I honestly think she may be more of a dumbass than Trump is.

And, I mean, there's actually a sane, reasonable Trump buried in there, and it comes out every now and then when he's not hamming it up for the crowd and the cameras. And, of course, his policies are generally much better.

But Jesus Christ...Harris might be a legit moron. How could this sliced-and-diced 15 minute interview (cut from like an hour or something, apparently), by one of her own propaganda organs, be this bad???

I'm honestly in quasi-shock about it.


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