Thursday, August 29, 2024

Nicole Russell: "Trump is Losing a Winnable Election, and He Has No One to Blame but Himself"

Seems to me that this is all pretty much right.
   The guy just has no business being anywhere near the Oval Office. And the reasons for that are on parade almost every time he opens his damn mouth. Even someone like me who thinks that the current incarnation of the Democratic party is a clear and present danger to the nation, and who thinks that Trump actually did a good job up to his post-electoral-loss freakout...well, I'm not always sure I can actually vote for the guy. And believe me, I'd vote for just about anyone against the postpostmodern Orwellian progressive Democrat-Elite-Media Axis of Evil.
   Harris is awful. She has no policy positions on her website, she won't even really commit to policies, won't do interviews. She's running the Biden 2020 basement campaign--but worse. If elected, I expect she'd be even worse than Biden, even more of a rubber-stamp for the hard left agenda of the blue team. In fact, not just a rubber-stamp, but more of an active crusader for the deranged progressive-left worldview. We'll end up with more left-wing/DEI federal judges. And we'll likely end up with at least one more Sotomayor/KBJ-type Supreme. A Harris administration will do severe damage to the country.
   And yet...Trump.
   I hope I'm just being my normal election-year depressive-alarmist self. But this really does seem different. This election really does seem an awful lot like a Kobayashi Maru.
   Trump deserves to lose, and the Republicans deserve to lose for electing him. If the alternative were not such a horror show...if they were anything like the center-left Democrats of old, this would be an easy choice.
   Seems to me, anyway.
   Right now, anyway.


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