Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Steven Greenhouse in the Grauniad: Women Are Right to Vote for Harris--She is Pure Good; Men are Wrong to Vote for Trump--He is Pure Bad

All the good, sound reasons are in favor of Harris; men who are voting for Trump are driven by fallacious reasons and base desires--like p***y-grabbing.
   My concern is that people on the left actually do seem to believe stuff like this.
   Of course, it's pretty common for people to think that their side is driven by good reasons, while the opposition is driven only by bad ones. Such arguments show up on both/all sides.
   But, among all the sound and unsound reasons on both sides: men have a lower tolerance for the kind of bullshit the left is peddling--overt lies motivated by (real or bogus) kindness + politically correct peer pressure to pretend those lies are true. Women score much higher on "agreeableness," and are easier to manipulate with such nonsense. But, of course, that's just part of the story. 


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