Thursday, September 05, 2024

Election 2024: Pick Your Poison

I've started thinking about it with this specific phrase/metaphor in mind.
The idea here seems to be: if you have to take a poison, and do have the option of choosing one, then (even on the assumption that they're about equally deadly), you get to choose, and that choice is at your discretion. Once things have gotten to that point, it really is just a matter of preference. Maybe you'd just rather go with quick and painful rather than slow and lingering--it's up to you!
   I have friends who want to nitpick at my decision. I'm usually happy to argue about it. But, honestly, this time around, I'm sort of just cranky about the whole thing. In case you can't tell. I've sort of come to think that, given the dismal nature of the choice facing us, I get to, see where I'm going with this.
   I certainly understand someone who says: 
Look, our options are miserable. The Democrats are insane. Trump is Trump. I'm going with the extremely awful Harris instead of the even awfuller Trump.
   We're totally on the same page.
   Well...not totally...
   It's just that my mental not-quite-a-coin-toss comes up heads, while yours comes up tails.
   We agree about all the really important stuff.
   Now, clearly I don't exactly think it's a coin-toss. I do think that the combination of (a) insane, cultish, hard-left political correctness and (b) elite-progressive hegemony is discernibly worse than crackpot, retard Trumpian loose-cannonry.
   But I'm painfully aware that this might be not merely be wrong, but really fucking stupid.
   What I really don't understand are the following types of people:
(i) Those who think that the Dems are good or at least just fine and (ii) those who think that the Dems are terrible, but who are holding their noses and voting for them either because FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, or because the Dems aren't otherwise left enough for them. Both those types seem pretty common in academia.
   Well, at least I understand the Gaza thing a wee bit.
   But not the other one.
   Anyway, the Trumpian poison turns my stomach notably less than the progressive poison.
   And I get to pick.
   So that's what I'm probably going with.


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