Saturday, September 14, 2024

ABC Denies Debate Collusion with Harris Campaign

Two allegations:
  • Someone gave Harris the questions ahead of time.
  • They agreed to "fact-"check Trump and not Harris.
First, that's loser talk.
Second, I don't believe it.
Third, it is not merely possible, but it would actually not be too surprising. Not only were the moderators basically adjuncts to Harris during the debate, but Democrats involved in Presidential debates have given their candidates debate questions in the past. Donna Brazile gave HRC debate questions. (You can look it up, but I'm too lazy.)
Fourth, since Russiagate, I don't put anything past the blue team. This would be small potatoes compared to other things the blues have done.
Fifth, the red team cries conspiracy at the drop of a hat now. Everything is a conspiracy according to them. Everything.
Sixth, this is typical of the red team in another way: the tension between (i) Trump won and (ii) They cheated! Reminds me of their position on the Capitol riot: (i) It was justified!, but (ii) Antifa did it! (It was a set-up, the Feds egged it on, etc.)

Summary view: probably another red-team fantasy...probably... They like to point out that Harris was sorority "sisters" with the female moderator...but apparently it's the biggest sorority in the universe, with like a gazillion members, and they went to completely different schools. Sounds kinda like saying They're both Wisconsin fans. Also, both Trump and Harris got "sample questions" ahead of time. This seems pretty likely to be a mistake based on a misunderstanding of that.
My $0.02, FWIW.


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