Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I Was Right...

...about this much: Harris won basically because she was able to string together ten coherent sentences.
   I mean, jeez, as world-historically awful as the Democrats are, I was basically sitting there last night thinking Ok. Just let them win and destroy the country. I can't vote for this psycho jackass....
   Which, admittedly, I think not infrequently...but I was really, really thinking it last night.
   Of course the moderators were almost entirely one-sided. But Trump deserved it for thundering about the cat- and dog-eating Haitians, and taking the bait about people leaving his rallies.
   No, we checked, they're not.
   Note that this was a trap: they'd checked ahead of time with the mayor...
   I mean, this is just the whole terrible story in microcosm: dumbass, nutty Trump vs. the big, blue, seemingly-normal-but-actually-even-crazier, machine.
   Any normal person could have just said, every single time: Listen: she wants to fund "transgender" surgeries for illegal aliens in prison. This is not something a sane person--or a sane party--would even suggest. This is well into the realm of madness...
   Incidentally, whichever Dem toady thought up that "people leave his rallies" line...his future is made and his fortune secure... Hats off to him. That line may end up winning the election.


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