Sunday, September 08, 2024

Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris

Well, if you've been around these parts since back in the Iraq war days, you may remember what I think about former Vice President Cheney.
   It's easy for people like me--who both detest what the GOP did getting us into Iraq, and detest what has become of the Democrats--to argue (as many do) Har har Darth Cheney supports Kacklin' Kamala...totally fits...even more evidence that she's terrible...
   Cheney's reason is that he thinks Trump tried to steal the election of 2020. So, you could equally well argue: Trump is so bad that even Cheney will go even so far as to endorse a far-left Democrat to oppose him.
   Now, though I think it's only around 10% true that Trump tried to steal the election, that's plenty to disqualify him, IMO. Ditto the true story of what happened.
   Though I think he was a good President, his reaction to the 2020 election basically disqualified him from the office. As I said at the time: it made me regret voting for him. And I thought I'd never do so again.
   But, well, you know the other half of the story: the Democrats have flat-out lost their collective mind. Who thought they could get worse than they were in '20? In my opinion--and I do realize this sounds crazy--they constitute a dire threat to the future of the nation. Greater than Trump, even. Substantially greater than Trump.
   I guess what I'm really saying here is: I don't buy the casual dismissals of Cheney's endorsement. It doesn't really count much in Harris's favor. But it does count against Trump.
   Of course each party is accusing the other of hypocrisy. Pubs: Oh, the Dems hated Cheney before...but now...  Dems: Oh, the Pubs defended Chene before...but now...


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