Monday, September 16, 2024

Christopher Rufo: Cat-Eaters of Ohio

The red team seems more-or-less dedicated to self-destruction and self-clownification.
Rufo's done great work. But this seems like a rather bad idea. As someone on X-Twitter pointed out, those are fresh chickens on the grill, not cats.
   Haitians are a questionable target of right-wing ire. As a group they apparently have a high average income. At least one factory-owner in Springfield says they're hard workers--better than the locals he's been employing. And they seem to be mostly legal immigrants. For one thing, their asylum claims seem legit--plausibly so, anyway. OTOH, apparently huge numbers of them were brought here en masse by Biden-Harris. And that's a practice about which I'm a bit skeptical--but I don't know enough to have a firm opinion.
   Anyway. This seems like (a) an objectively bad line of argument for the red team, and (b) a huge self-own. There are legitimate, pressing concerns about illegal immigration. The left really has lost its mind about this. But instead of focusing on major points, Trump, Vance, et al. have been backed into a losing battle over Haitians eating cats in OH.
   I mean, the Dems are just objectively better at this kind of warfare. For one thing, they have a massive propaganda apparatus that the Pubs can in no way match. However, the Pubs are also the stupid party... And they leapt for this story when it was less than half-baked. And, yeah, to some extent their eager audience seems to have done so out of racism. Finally! An actual case...
   What a loathsome wreck this election is.


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