Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Pervasiveness of Optimistic Polling Spin

Everywhere I look I see Republicans spinning polls their direction and Dems spinning them in theirs.
Spin, spin, spin.
Me, if anything, I'm more prone to fixate on bad polling news...
Though I do my best to take every poll with a grain of salt--which I thought was standard practice. But, if I'm going to take one over-seriously, it'll probably be bad news.
Strange to me how peremptorily and even angrily each side rejects unfavorable poll results.
One exception is a certain faction on r/conservative. This faction responds to almost all polling news with some version of: Ignore the polls. Get out and vote.
R/politics is insane, of course, and reacts to unfavorable polls accordingly.

Incidentally: as I understand it, Nate Silver's projection has switched, and now Harris is slightly favored.
Oh well.


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