Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Unscientific UnAmerican Channels the Spirit of Trofim Lysenko...Episode MCXVIII

Ya know how, when some moron does something really stupid or awful, but, during the course of it, they do some other little thing...some total asshat move...that somehow is almost even more jaw-dropping in its purity of idiocy and/or shittiness? Well, here's UnSciUnAm:
...for only the second time in our magazine’s 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Kamala Harris.
Lemme fix that for you:
...for only the second time in our magazine’s 179-year history--but the second time in the last two elections--the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Kamala Harris.
 There's a lot to carp about in this extremely stupid piece, but I'm in a hurry and tired of hearing myself carp about stupid things. The central complaint is, of course, climate change and the candidates' respective attitudes about it. Of course I think Trump is righter about this than Harris, who seems to me to be a standard-issue progressive fantasist about the subject... But even if I agreed with Harris about it, I'd hope I'd still be opposed to the politicization of a--formerly--good popular science publication. I'd certainly be against them endorsing Trump...or any other candidate that I can think of.
   I mean, if they're going to comment on some such issue, gender ideology would seem to be the largest, slowest target on the horizon. It's outright pseudoscience...but, like climate apocalypticism, it's progressive pseudoscience... Not dumb creationism or...or...jeez, what's another righty pseudoscience? I mean, of course there's anti-vax hysteria...but that's not really a single, well-developed body of thought... Well, good enough: anti-vax hysteria.
   One of the main lessons of the last decade: ideology is stronger than least on the left...
   I hold out substantial hope, however, for the center...and even a tiny shred of hope for the right...sorta...but only a shred. Well, maybe a shredlet.


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