Snopes, needless to say, does what it usually does--spins the facts as hard as possible leftward.
They try to turn this into some pro-same-sex-marriage thing. But that makes no sense. In the relevant law, if this were their goal, they'd need to change 'husband' to 'spouse' in one place.
But, of course, that's not what this is really about.
It's about advancing gender pseudoscience.
Understand that, in all likelihood, the left is never going to give this up. They'll just keep making up pseudo-scholarly neologisms, attempting to redefine ordinary words, and pushing this bullshit in whatever way they can find.
'Inseminated person' is just idiotic. It's also dehumanizing. It's reminiscent of their suggestion that 'front hole' should replace 'vagina.'
Progressivism has become more and more difficult to distinguish from mental illness.