Sunday, March 09, 2025

Emma Camp: U.S. Attorney Threatens Georgetown Law For 'Teaching DEI'

Well, here we go.
Ed.'s recent Dear Colleague letter was good.
Interfering with course content / academic freedom--not good.
Although even the AAUP--which is devoutly leftist--does not consider indoctrination to be protected by academic freedom.
Nevertheless, if Camp is right, it sounds like even indoctrination is protected by the First Amendment, so...
Hard to understand how Trump thinks he's "restoring free speech" if he's endorsing violations of First Amendment law.

Lots of people on the right are gloating about the Dems coming apart.
But Trump barely won against a party that long ago lost its mind...and that ran a laughable pair of candidates.
All it will take for the Dems to win in the midterms--and maybe even in '28--is for Trump to keep this shit up.
He won last time because the Dems basically took themselves out of the running by being so abjectly crazy.
If Trump keeps it up, even the Dems might start looking pretty good to people.
I've already got Trump fatigue, to be honest about it.
And I'm already contemplating voting for Dems in the midterms just to give us divided government.


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