Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Noah Rothman: Republican Incoherence on Ukraine is a National Embarrassment

It has been nothing less than a national embarrassment to watch Republicans fish for a rationale that justifies what they’re talking themselves into. What they’re articulating is a monarchical conception of America’s national mission, in which its geostrategic priorities are either set or altered in accordance with the prestige of one man. Even if you believe Zelensky has been insufficiently grateful to the West and America in particular — a subjective and evidentiarily deficient claim — that does not justify the wholesale reappraisal of America’s posture toward its allies and enemies or its grand strategic objectives. But a comprehensive renovation of American foreign policy is what Trump and company want to engineer, and Republicans are looking for a permission structure that allows him to get there without encountering much cognitive dissonance along the way.

I'm trying to understand Trump's position...but for now I have to regretfully agree with the above. 


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