Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Rupert Darwall: Driving a Stake Through Stakeholder Capitalism (and ESG)

I haven't given ESG the attention is seems to deserve. But it strikes me as being similar to DEI--a set of ideas/principles that are already fairly consistent with the ideas/principles of the left...but which are so protean that they can be used more-or-less however the left wants to use them. So they basically become catspaws. That's my view of DEI, anyway. Perhaps it's not so true of ESG. But, again, that's an aspect of the whole train wreck that I haven't really attended to. Largely because I know nothing about business and woefully little about economics.
But the totalitarian tendencies of the left incline it to basically take over every institution and endeavor, and to turn them to its nefarious ends. The right is filled with crackpottery of various kinds, but it just doesn't seem to have this same totalitarian...whatever it is. Center of gravity or something. Hence Jean Kirkpatrick's view of the authoritarian/totalitarian distinction. As the great Jeremiah McCarthy puts it: the right just wants you to behave; the left wants your soul.


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