Saturday, March 08, 2025

Jonathan Zimmerman: The New Republican Political Correctness

Although this ends on a laudably anti-PC, pro-free-speech note, I don't buy the main argument--which seems to be: reversing the PC takeover of language is itself political correctness.
   Obviously I'm not exactly dispassionate about the subject, but I disagree: reversing the PC takeover of language is not itself PC. Or so I'm inclined to think. Resetting to normal language by dumping the pseudo-technical, pseudo-scholarly bullshit terms beloved of the PC left is, well, just resetting to normal. It's anti-PC, not another kind of PC.
   Furthermore, Trump is not trying to engineer the entire language in such a way as to control thought and stack the deck for esoteric, pseudoscientific, politically radical ideas. He's just saying that the government isn't going to use the left's bullshit, politically loaded lingo.
   Again, I've been fed up with PC for about 40 years's such a monumental load of totalitarian horseshit that I've nearly lost the ability to be dispassionate about it. Obviously I could be wrong on this point.
   Again, though, Zimmerman doesn't seem to be one of the PCs. Not that his motives are decisive for anything here.


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