Monday, March 17, 2025

David Catron: The Democratic Party Is Collapsing

Well, they've certainly radicalized = lost their collective mind.
They now hold a variety of positions that are actually, literally deranged.
Consequently, they have, as many have noted, left a wide path down the center for Trump and the GOP to occupy.
OTOH, that has had the effect, wrt some issues, of moving the party toward the left. (Contrary to another one of the Dems' delusions, the Pubs have not moved generally to the right--they've generally moved toward the left.) That tends to seem good to me...but should real conservatives think that's good?
Anyhoo, I read someone the other day claiming that Trump may have crushed the Dems and put the GOP in the driver's seat for a generation.
I'm skeptical of this general kind of (quasi-)prediction.
Remember "the emerging Democratic majority" and the inevitable victory of the blue team...because demography?
Or, the case I now most often think about: in 2022, Carolina beat Duke in Coach K's final game in Cameron. In front of a packed house that included not only the normal Crazies/scions of fat cats, but 100 former Duke players. And, apparently, some "celebrities," whatever those are. Then we beat them in the Final Four a few weeks later. People were saying things like "I didn't know you could win a rivalry..." Me, I said: well, we'll see I guess...
And over the course of the last couple of years, they've pretty much pw0ned us.
All our base are belong to them.
Such things can change quickly.
Here's the alternate scenario I think is most likely: Trump fucks something (or several things) up so profoundly that the GOP is more gravely injured even than the Dems. E.g.: the economy. The Dems drop a couple of their most insane ideas--e.g. men are women, trans all the kids!, fuck white people, crime is good, open up the borders!--and maybe go all in on a lefty version of economic populism. If tariffs wreck the economy...or if the Ukraine situation blows up...or if the bad effects of slashing the federal workforce are bad enough...well, again: things could change fast.
Also: victory breeds hubris.
Also also: given how utterly nuts the blue team has gone, and how clownish their candidates and campaign were, they really didn't lose by that much. I mean, a party basically runs on brainwashing and sexually mutilating children, institutionalized racism, Lysenkoism and open borders...and their main slogans are "brat," "joy," and something about being "unburdened by what has been"...and they only lose the popular vote by like 1.5%?
Even when their opponent was Trump, that's pretty scary.


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