Sarah Jones: Andrea Dworkin Saw Trump's Female Enablers 40 Years Ago
Andrea Dworkin may be the first really crazy lefty I read when I was an undergrad.
If they're going to Dworkin out onto the board in response to Trump, I guess that means that, in their crucial choice betwee:
(a) Acknowledging their recent unhinging
(b) Doubling down
it's (b) all the way...
My favorite bit of this is probably that bit where she refers to Dworkin as "a rigorous thinker."
She is not.
She's more like a bad, angry poet.
Don't forget that the left hates liberalism and liberals even more than it hates conservatism and conservatives. The incremental, experimental, at-least-to-some-extent rational progress liberalism has made relieves social pressure and makes the prope-Marxists' beloved, long-hoped-for revolution less likely. Liberalism hasn't been an unmitigated improvement. To some extent that's because it hasn't been able avoid sliding into illiberal leftism--though I don't want to pretend that liberalism per se is flawless. We worked hard and had fair success with respect to improving the lot of women (and everybody else) in the West. That produced other problems, I'd say--but it was still an improvement. More sexual freedom, for example, led to hookup culture, and then to Tinder etc...which have not been unmitigated wins for women generally.
Leftists like Dworkin--among many other loony things--want you to believe that our only options are (i) The Handmaids' Tale and (ii) whatever the hell their bizarre dystopian "utopia" is. Incremental compromise and ad hoc, experimental improvement are anathema to them.
This article is likely just an outlier. But it may, of course, portend a broader return to the hard-core lefty source material.
Guess we'll see.
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