Monday, June 01, 2020

Floyd’s Brother Demands End To Violence: "If His Own Family And Blood Is Not Doing It, Then Why Are You?"

   No diminution of the value of George Floyd's life, but: it wouldn't really make sense to react like this to one murder--even such an awful one. The most charitable answer to Terrence Floyd's question is: they're demonstrating because they believe this murder is representative of untold numbers of similar murders. That is: they believe the Open Season hypothesis. They're wrong. In fact, they're the victim of progressive/MSM propaganda. But that's the most charitable explanation. Needless to say, there are other explanations, and the possible motives probably run together in different people. Some are anarcho-communist totalitarian Antifa douchebags. Some are criminals/thugs. Some are just looking for excitement. Some are doing it because it's considered cool in their teeny-bopper cohort. For some, it's the closest thing they have to religion. Some are doing it to get laid. Some are performing in anti-Trump #La#Resistance# theater. Some have no Earthly idea why they're doing it. Some men--and boys, and women and dragonkin--just want to watch the world burn.
   But the more violent, thieving and outlandish the riots become, the less they can be explained by concern about George Floyd--or, for that matter, about the open season hypothesis. It simply doesn't make any sense to loot Target because you are angry about police brutality. Nor does it make any sense to burn down local businesses. To what extent the riots are genuinely concerned with police brutality, we may never know. But it's clear that it's nowhere in the vicinity of 100%.


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