Saturday, August 10, 2019

PC Sex Totalitariaism Moving Off Campus And Into Law?

As I and many others predicted, it looks like PC "affirmative consent" ideology is in danger of metastasizing beyond campuses and infiltrating the law.
   I've never been one of the people who tried to argue that campus sex totalitarianism didn't matter because it was isolated to universities. What kind of crazy view is that, anyway? College students are people too, you know. Securing affirmative consent with new partners--if not taken to the crazy extremes recommended by the left--is a good idea. It's also, however, a bad idea in that it absolves women of any responsibility for stopping unwanted sex. It's utterly absurd to think that a person has no obligation to say so much as "wait" when they prefer not to proceed. Current leftist dogma says that a woman (but not a man, apparently) could intentionally bite her tongue, nonverbally encourage a man to proceed with sex, giving him no sign it was unwelcome...and then he'd be guilty of rape. Utter madness.
   I care less about these arguments, because they other arguments are more powerful. But, furthermore: this is another instance of the left infantilizing women.
   Anyway: it was always clear that progressives would make a move to expand these rules into the law as soon as they felt influential enough to do so...because that's the radical logic of the left. Moderation is for, well, moderates [spit].


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