Friday, August 09, 2019

Quillette Hoaxed

Pete Mac Sends me this.
   Seems like kinda thin gruel to me. Quillette always seemed like kind of a shoestring operation, and I always inclined to think caveat lector. The Sokal and Boghossian/Penrose/Lindsay hoax had real bite because the journals were allegedly scholarly and the articles contained ridiculous reasoning such that: if they couldn't see through that shit, they have no business publishing a journal. Fact-checking wasn't necessary: only a modicum of elementary critical thinking ability. Ordinary reporting is different. That's the easiest thing in the world to make up. Honestly, I didn't even know that Quillette was expected to fact-check it. I thought the relevant judgments of plausibility were left to the readers. I'm just happy to have one sane platform standing up against the tsunami of leftist bullshit.
   Also, the first I heard about this was the revelation of the hoax, and the post is gone--which, I think, it shouldn't be. Leave it up, preceded by a warning. Anyway, I don't know whether it'd've seemed fishy to me or not.
   But anyway, busted is busted, and--unlike the left--I say this is good and instructive. Instead of shrieking hysterically and seeking to get the hoaxer fired, I say this is a fucking great thing. My hat's off to the guy. We learn something from this, and perhaps the lesson is important--though I don't know since I can't read the thing. Grievance studies got its petticoats in a riot about the Boghossian et al. hoax, and his institution punished him for it. Exactly the wrong reaction, and exactly what one could easily predict from the progressive, illiberal left.
   We're better than that, though--so, again: big props to the hoaxer, and we move forward wiser, with new knowledge under our collective belt. Unlike the screechy outrage-mongers on the left, I'm totally down with this shit. And I hope the screechy left produces a steady stream of this stuff directed at sane centrist (or "conservative," as the Daily Beast has it) sites like Quillette. This is a service one's enemies ought to be particularly adept at providing.


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