Friday, August 09, 2019

"The Hunt" Depicts Trump Supporters Hunted For Sport By Liberals

I don't care.
   Also: the trailer sure makes it look like the Trump supporters are the heroes. This looks like a stereotypical revenge flick in which act 1 shows group-or-person A tortured horribly by group-or-person B in order to establish that B is inhumanly horrible and deserves whatever A ultimately and inevitably does to him/them. Act 2, of course is the revenge bit. Blah blah blah. I can't believe I used to like that shit. Well...I still sometimes do. To my shame. What inane bullshit. It's sadistic. Torture/revenge pr0n.
   Anyway, the point is: the left has more to complain about here than the right. Unless somebody really throws the template out the window...
   Probably not the greatest idea for a movie at this particular "cultural moment" as they say...
   But did I mention that I don't care?

[Stupidly watched the trailer again. Yes, it's as obvious as it could be. "Ordinary people" from the South, vs. "elites"...hunting people for sport... Then the righteous revenge... Come on. This is an anti-lefty movie if anything.]


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