Monday, November 21, 2022

The Climate Reparations Scam

If you spend enough time reading stuff on the contemporary left, here's something you eventually realize: with great regularity, the bottom line of their screeds is: pay me.
   Its really, really common for individual lefties to include their Patreon or PayPal or whatever...not in the way ordinary people do, as a way to support and show appreciation for their work...but as part of an explicit assertion that whites, men, straights, etc. owe them. There's nothing at all surprising about the demand for climate "reparations." I'm sure there are demands for colonial reparations. Honestly, I've long expected demands for reparations to women. Actual women as I'd now have to make clear. Though reparations for transes can't be far behind. Who am I kidding? Those would be ahead of actual-woman reparations in the current climate. Even aside from the fact that (actual) women always come at the bottom of the Great Totem Pole Of Oppression. (An obviously racist or whatever metaphor...) 
   I generally don't personally tend to focus on debunking criticisms like Lefties don't really believe woke bullshit--they just want power. Or Wokies go woke in order to CYA so they don't get accused of racism* like non-wokies do. Or Woke is a grift. Rather, I think a lot of them are serious. And I'm interested in taking them at their word and showing why their view is crazy. But there's an awful lot of truth in those other criticisms as well.


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