Thursday, November 17, 2022

Another Brick in the Blue Wall of Fraud?

   I don't believe that Democrats are stealing elections. Not, at any rate, by printing fake ballots and hacking voting machines or whatever. 
   However, after the last six years, including especially Russiagate, we know that they'll lie and cheat, subvert Republican Presidents, conspire, create elaborate hoaxes, and are willing to thwart the will of the people. No one thought they'd go so far as they went during Russiagate. It's still difficult to believe they did. And their power is so great that Durham wasn't even able to secure convictions--individual Democrats on the juries simply refused to convict despite incontrovertible evidence. (Though that latter is perhaps a somewhat different problem.) 
   But Democrats are rigging elections--and setting up the system so that outright fraud is easier to conduct.
   They're doing so by not only permitting--but now mandating--sketchy methods of voting like dropboxes,, ID-less in-person voting, and spammed and unverified mail-in ballots. A party that's proven its unhingedness and dishonesty is in the process of engineering an unreliable and easy-to-game voting system. I would have been against this sort of thing even when I was a Democrat. 
   One of their arguments is basically the nefarious disparate impact argument--demanding voter ID prevents more nonwhite voting than it prevents white voting. That argument is almost always bad, but here it's equivalent to: secure elections are white privilege, bigot.
   The Pubs, have, as usual done their bit by flying off the handle in a more-or-less random crazy direction, claiming that it's massive Illuminati satellite hacking or whatever. Trump and the Pubs ignored the unfolding disaster before November 2020 and then made up a bunch of crazy shit afterward. I kinda expect the same thing again in '24. 
   Not that I know what to do about any of it.
   Because I don't.


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