Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Men Are Better at Everything: Fat Dude Wins "Miss Greater Derry" Beauty Pageant

   The point of this madness is that the leftist ideology of pervasive oppression must be the main--and only--consideration in every activity at every moment. Whereas, in Sane World, humans engage in different activities with different goals, in Clown World, there is only one goal: mitigating oppression. Or is it: punishing the oppressor? Well, whatever. So, previously, we used to study astrophysics...with the aim of learning about astrophysics. Now astrophysics must be "antiracist" / "social justice" / "DEI" / whatever. Because otherwise it's racist. Or whatever. So all research and teaching into and of astrophysics must subordinate its traditional ends to the promotion of postpostmodern leftist political and cultural ends. Currently, in our imperfect state of leftness, this means: injecting some popomo leftist brainwashing into every class and every grant proposal. But this is merely because normies refuse to think about this psychopathy critically. In fact, an astrophysics class that is only "antiracist" part of the time is racist the rest of the time. Doing astrophysics at all is verboten. I realize consistency is unwelcome among extremists. But that's the logical endpoint of the road we're on. Injecting a bit of leftist propaganda into everything we do simply isn't enough. If you ever do anything other than working to tear down Sane World and replace it with Clown World, you're a racist, Jack.
   Now, beauty pageants aren't astrophysics--you can write that down--but it's the same principle. To be social justicey...well, you know what has to be done. So counting beauty at all is racist (and misogy-whasis...and homowhatsis...and "trans"whatsis...) Everything turns into the Victim Olympics. Let the fat dude win, or your racist. So every activity becomes the same activity. There is only one goal. Resistance is futile...everything will be assimilated...


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