Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Freddy deBoer: The Agony of the Radical Democrat

I've seen good stuff from deBoer.
This though...
I mean, how much more radical does he think the Democrats can get? 
They're already throwing their weight behind climate apocalypticism and the whole load of postpostmodern hard-left political fantasies: "trans"/gender ideology--including the brainwashing and sexual mutilation of children, hard-left race-crazy--including BLM and CRT--, anti-free-speech-ism, Lysenkoism...that whole radioactive stew of antiliberalism. 
Answer: deBoer is a socialist. He's not behind the Woketarian social agenda. He wants to wreak economic destruction on the USA instead. (Note: he doesn't think of it that way, of course. He's a reasonable guy making honest errors.) 
I wonder: does deBoer not understand that climate apocalypticism is thinly-veiled anti-capitalism? I mean, if I were a socialist, I'd be pushing some version of the Green New Deal. Though...the Biden administration already has. It passed a pro-socialist bill masquerading as a climate bill masquerading as an inflation bill. We should call it the Red New Deal. Bahahaha! I mean, seriously. Because that's what it is. 
He thinks that the Pubs "court" the radical right more than the Dems "court" the radical left...but the Dems are the radical left now. Only a radical could be dissatisfied with the trajectory of the Dems. They're absolutely rocketing leftward, shedding people like me who aren't tribally committed to them. I expect the radical left will never be satisfied. deBoer isn't really representative because he's an economic lefty. But I think he might be representative in this relevant respect: the radical left is, basically, never going to say: that's enough change. I.e.: that's enough destruction. 


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