Sunday, November 13, 2022

Why No Red Wave?

Immediately after Dobbs, I said I was worried that roughly this might happen--worried that the abortion issue would fire up the Dem base. Is that what explains this failure?
Of course there's also the spreading Republican obsession about alleged voter fraud. Dems are cheating--but by doing things like illicitly rewriting election laws, ballot-harvesting, keeping polls open for weeks, refusing to require identification, allowing indiscriminate mail-in voting, Zuck bucks... Despicable--but not fraud per se, as I understand it. And not exactly stealing. But instead of focusing on these real problems, the Trumpistic right just shrieks about stolen elections. 
The right now seems to be losing it, too. Not to the extent that the left has lost it--but that's setting the bar too low.
I'm pretty damn concerned about the direction of things.


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