Wednesday, November 09, 2022

The Dumbest Post of All Time?: Julie Shaw "Ph.D.": Men Are More Violent Because Society

You've gotta have a Ph.D. in psychology to be this stupid.
   However, I've long said that, by the left's own lights, they ought to see the fact that men are more often shot by cops, arrested, convicted and imprisoned as proof of anti-male sexist oppression. They think that any racial disparity has to be the result of racism. So the same should go for--etc.
But, of course, they are not bound my mere Western logic! A foolish consistency--or any consistency--is the hobgoblin of THE RAZIZT MIND, RAZIZT!!!!111 It's always easy to make up some ad hoc exception if you're shameless enough--immune to the ravages of cognitive dissonance... They're all-purpose consistency dodge is that WHITE MALES ARE THE DEVIL AND CANNOT BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. BIGOT.
   But, anyway: the stuff about testosterone in that post is largely red herring. Fine. I neither know nor care about whether testosterone is what it's thought to be. But whatever it is that causes men to be, on average, more assertive and aggressive...well it's real, and it's biological. 
   And as for men being "taught to be violent"--no. Most of us are taught just the opposite. My brother and I were in no way exceptional--we were taught never to use violence unless attacked, or in the defense of the innocent. 
   I mean, seriously. The author of that post is just not very smart...and does not seem to have ever met any humans, nor to have any acquaintance with their ways.


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