Sunday, November 06, 2022

Politico: The Schism in the Millenmial Left

Pretty interesting inside-baseball stuff about a struggle in the Democrat party. Turns out your blue options are basically:
(a) Woketarians
(b) Socialists.
Final paragraph:
Progressives, in other words, have won battle after battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. But instead of consolidating their gains and taking the fight to the Republicans, they keep waging war, McElwee says, with their own side. “The left doesn’t know how to win with dignity and grace. Do you know how many cryptocommunists are now working for the Biden administration? How many former Bernie Sanders staffers who are pretty f---ing deep in the White House’s policy nexus? The revolutionary socialist phase has kind of faded for the left,” said McElwee. “But the flip side of that is that a lot of those people have infiltrated to the highest levels of Democratic politics.”


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