Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Pelosi Story Update: Seems Like Initial Reports Were Right--Ergo the Blues Are Righter

Sounds like the crazy dude really was hunting for Nancy Pelosi, and really did intend to harm her. He also sounds like a crazy righty--despite the fact that he's apparently, historically, been a crazy leftie. So the common thread is: crazy.
   All the echoes of January 6th nonsense still sounds like nonsense--but I suppose we don't know yet. Perhaps he was directly motivated by stuff relevant to the Capitol riot. But all the strained attempts to draw some line from one to the other through "Where's Nancy?" are still stupid. 
   I used to say this stuff during the Obama years: the right says enough crazy shit with the aim of stirring people up that they can't act that surprised when people get stirred up. And the crazies--generally lone wolves--will likely get stirred up first. So you say: "Obama is intentionally trying to destroy the country" or "Obama is the Antichrist"...well...both of those things provide a helluva lot of support for Somebody should do something about that Obama guy. So if someone draws the obvious inference, how are you surprised? I have the same kind of objection to Trump's pre-riot bullshit. Sure, he said he wanted a peaceful protest. But so much other stuff he said made violence a plausible response that I'm not sure how much it counts to say "hey let's have a peaceful protest" at the last minute.
   Sure, the left does this stuff too. They've officially adopted a whole slew of crazy views that justify a whole slew of crazy actions...and then they defend and endorse the actions, too. See e.g.: the mostly peaceful social justice riots for peace and justice. They foment hatred of whites, hatred of men, hatred non-progressives, hatred of cops, hatred of the USA. They outright defend and support Antifa. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...
   But that's not the topic here and now.
   Now...has the right really gone beyond the pale re: their rhetoric about Pelosi? I'm sure they have, though no example comes to mind. Have they gone beyond the pale to a greater-than-normal degree by the standards of American politics? Well, I don't know. They haven't been as vicious toward her as the left has been toward Trump... Though she is a woman... That matters, but maybe shouldn't. And maybe doesn't matter here. But anyway: we can't use Trump as the bar--the way he was treated was just nuts.
   Eh, that's all I got again.
   I don't know.


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