Tuesday, November 01, 2022

The Paul Pelosi Attack Seen From The Right And The Left

The left, as usual, has its talking points out, front and center: the Pelosi attack is a reminder and a consequence of the January 6th Capitol riot. And/or both had the same source: conservatism, MAGA, white supremacy, blah blah blah. Partially they really believe this. Partially it's a last desperate attempt to stave off the allegedly coming red wave. They always seem to be in a doxastic superposition of states: they sort of believe, sort of want to believe, sort of aim to achieve political ends.
    The right, as usual, doesn't buy even the minimal official account of the story, and is busy producing theories: the attacker was Pelosi's gay lover...drug deal gone bad...whatever. ('Conspiracy' in 'conspiracy theory' now basically just means 'wacky,' so...) Not that suspicion is crazy, I assert, after Russiagate and Laptopgate. It fits the m.o. of the left... We can't trust what the MSM tells us about such things. They're thoroughly blue, and will do whatever they think they can at least temporarily get away with if it will help the Dems. And temporarily getting away with something is basically permanently getting away with it when you're the media. Even if busted later, you just squelch the story.
   I wouldn't bet, but if I had to I guess I'd bet that the minimal story is basically right, and this dude broke into the house--he's apparently crazy, after all. A lot in the story doesn't add up, but, as Actual Justice Warrior points out, some of the puzzling bits can easily be explained away as fog-of-battle stuff. "He says his name is David and he's a friend" Could mean:
1. He's a friend; his name is David
2. He says/said both of the following:
a. His name is David
b. He is a friend.
The former is fishy. The latter isn't.
Anyway. That's all I got.

[Oh and: the red team point about broken glass being outside the house: I think that's just the way at least some glass breaks. I don't think it means that it was broken from inside.]


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