Saturday, November 19, 2022

Court Strikes Down Florida's/DeSantis's "Stop Woke" Act; or: I'm an Idiot

I'm a damn idiot.
I speed-read that thing--in my defense, I had to read a lot of such pieces of legislation--and I could have sworn it was just aimed at indoctrination--e.g. mandatory "training" that's actually about forcing students or employees to sit there and listen to leftist political opinions said at them. 
I even defended the bill--in public.
So who's the asshole now?

More importantly: gosh I really hate these cutesy titles for bills. I mean, the truly nefarious misrepresentations (e.g.: The Patriot Act, The Inflation Reduction Act, Don't Say 'Gay') are obviously worse (though that latter is, of course, not the official misleading name--it's a misleading name coined by the other side). But I hate the cutesy ones, too. 


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