Monday, November 21, 2022

Brett Weinstein on Evergreen and How the Left Operates

One important point he makes (I'd figured this out at some point, but it kinda got shoved to the back of my mind in all the prevailing chaos): the left redefines terms to lower the threshold for their application...but then treats them as if they retain their old meanings once someone has qualified for application under the new criteria. See: 'racist.' You are now a racist for doing all sorts of innocuous things--or merely because you live in a society with allegedly racist institutions. But then once you've been tagged as racist, you're treated as if you were an actual racist by the ordinary definition--someone who treats people unfairly on the basis of race, or at least holds racially biased beliefs. 
   This is, with some modification, similar to the fate of 'woman' on the left. Their rhetorical approach went like this:
"Some women are male."
"No they aren't.
"Just use the word 'woman' that way to make them feel better. Why won't you just say the words? Why are you so hung up on words?" 
"Ok, I'll call them women."
"They're women! You admitted it! So they can use women's restrooms and locker rooms, and play women's sports. And lesbians and straight men have to be interested in them sexually. Why are you biased against some women???"
   Here's a tip: 
   It's never just about the words.


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