Friday, April 10, 2020

Nature Knuckles Under To PC, Apologizes For Admitting That Wuhan Virus Comes From Wuhan

Gosh, nobody saw this sort of thing coming...
   There's no clear line between rejecting terminology because it's politically incorrect and rejecting truths because they are politically incorrect. Terminology ought to be accurate, perspicuous, and conducive to efficient communication. Everybody knows what the Wuhan virus is. Almost nobody knows what SARS-CoV-2 is. The former is--for nonscientific purposes at the very least--the superior term. There's nothing "racist" about it. It's "stigmatizing," if at all, only because it presupposes the truth that the virus came from Wuhan--and that truth is, I suppose, unpleasant in certain ways.
   The PC left's new favorite term is 'stigma' (and, apparently, because they must pluralize everything: 'stigmas'). It's nice and vague, unspecifically gesturing at any negative attitudes anyone might in any way associate with anything about anyone else. 'Wuhan coronavirus,' you see, causes--or, more accurately--might cause--"stigma." Nature writes: "It’s clear that since the outbreak was first reported, people of Asian descent around the world have been subjected to racist attacks, with untold human costs — for example, on their health and livelihoods." It's clear? And untold? I think they meant: possible and mostly made-up. If you're worried about this sort of thing, you can, I suppose, clearly state that...what? Not everyone from Wuhan has the virus? Or that it isn't the fault of people (not everyone, at least...) from Wuhan? I don't know who needs to be told those things, but you're free to tell them if you want. What you can't do is insist that the rest of us conceal facts because you have made up some stories about possible "stigmas."
   Of course political correctness subordinates facts to dogma, and one of its signature moves is to argue against stating facts on the grounds that stating those facts might harm some PC-preferred group. No one should have knuckled under on the term 'Wuhan (corona)virus' to begin with. And it was inevitable that the next move would be insist that the facts themselves be obscured.
   There's a cottage industry on the left cranking out propaganda about conservatives being anti-scientific and pushing us into a "post-truth" era. But--by far--the most anti-rational, anti-scientific, and anti-truth doctrines and inclinations are on the left. And they have been for the last thirty years at bare minimum.


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