Wednesday, April 08, 2020

NYT Still Not Mentioning The Good Numbers; Skips Right To Working The Race Angle

It's whatever it is that we misuse 'ironic' to mean that the title of the race article is "The Pandemic's Missing Data."
You know what data is actually missing at the Times?
Yeah, you know.

But how's the media going to push this angle while still denying that race is biological? I mean...they're adept at the relevant juggling and spinning and sleight-of-hand. So I'm confident that with the right combination of half-assed gestures at poverty and "systemic racism" and whatnot they can cobble together something superficially plausible enough to fool people who want to be fooled. But missteps are possible. Truth does prefer to be free.
   With luck the Times can keep progressives and gullible centrists panicked for a couple more weeks. And use the opportunity to advance the doctrines of the High Church of Progressivism...most especially that of Original Racism. Of course the virus will still be around, and there'll likely be aftershocks (or whatever you call 'em). Those will be useful.
   Didja notice how the fact that 2/3 of those dying are male caused exactly zero consternation in the MSM? What it caused was an op-ed with the subtitle (roughly) "women are better at survival than men." Imagine that happening were the roles reversed... (Oh yeah, and the author of that piece repeatedly referred to himself as "an XY male," and to his gf as "an XX female." Because PC...)
   Some unsubstantiated speculation about race-specificity, and we get this story with a picture of a black guy looking sadly out the shade's closed...he's...looking sadly at the shade? What's the Times trying to say here? I have no idea. Anyway: proof that 2/3 of the victims are male: lol men suck. Unsubstantiated suggests that maybe it's affecting blacks more: WE DESPERATELY NEED TO RELEASE THE DATA!!!! Two weeks ago the media was ridiculing the suggestion that blacks were less susceptible and Asians moreso. I wondered about those possibilities myself, and I'd certainly like to see the evidence. But my God. Political correctness is the absence of reason.
   Somebody explain to me how it is that our intelligentsia thinks that the flagship of our mainstream media is praiseworthy. Anybody? Anybody?

   It goes without saying that I'm likely jumping the gun on proclaiming the end of the pandemic. I'm likely overreacting to the media's efforts to fan the flames. I'd expect the truth to be somewhere in between. Also, I have no idea what I'm talking about.


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