Thursday, April 09, 2020

NYT: "Worldwide Battle Rages On Amid Small Signs Of Hope"*

Imagine going through WWII with these chicken littles.
I mean, seriously, what is going on?
I'm hardly some kind of cockeyed optimist...but in the U.S. it seems like a preponderance of the news has been pretty good compared to what we were led to fear. I's still a pandemic that's killing thousands of's not good. But I just don't understand the orientation of the MSM. It just seems like all panic all the time. Every bad thing is terrible. Speculation about possible other bad things is given free reign (maybe it kills minorities more! (Though...if people are dying, does it matter what race they are?) maybe we're undercounting the dead!!!! (maybe we're overcounting them) maybe this is increasing the amount of domestic abuse! ). Every bit of good news is either ignored completely or minimized or only reported in a context that emphasizes something bad. (Worldwide battle rages! Small signs of hope!)
Either my perspective has been knocked completely out of whack, or there's something really, really messed up going on here.

*LOL the old title switcheroo. At least they've changed it on the column now, but not on the front page. Now it's "Optimism is Less Distant As Global Coronavirus Rages On." Not great...but better than the title on the front page. A grudging concession to hope...


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