Saturday, April 11, 2020

MSU: Resistance Is Futile: You Will Be Indoctrinated

This is like a small group of kooks who think about nothing but child-molestation all day--go to conferences about it, feverishly write journal papers about it, teach every class about it, see it behind every bush--forcing a bunch of ordinary people to undergo anti-child-molestation training. Having taken over the levers of power in the institution, they can coerce people into undertaking an activity that presupposes that they're probably child-molesters.
   Part of this is about the left's genuine, cultish/religious obsession with racism etc.  Part of it's the fact that they love power, and love exercising it, especially against ordinary folk who don't worship at the same idols.
   This shit long ago stopped being about making a case in a public discussion and became about indoctrination, control, and living out a heroic fantasy about prosecuting a moral crusade.
   This is what the left does when it takes over an institution. The only reason it doesn't implement such things nationwide is that it doesn't have the power to do so. If you want to glimpse a leftist future for America, look at universities. And, of course: even they are merely the beta version... Evergreen would be something more closely approximating the actual ideals.


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