Monday, September 15, 2008

Sarah Palin, The Female Dubya

Gary Kamiya, at Salon.

After I've been slumming around in some wingnut sites (where people are, no kidding, saying things like: "Is that all the NYT could find on Palin?"), it's heartening to see somebody speaking the obvious truth.

Will anyone notice that Palin is simply a debased female version of Bush? Will the fact that she is obviously unqualified to be president mean anything? Will voters be enraged that by picking Palin, McCain has turned American politics into a sitcom, a cheap farce? Or will the culture war still be a winner for the GOP?
...are not, as they would be in a more perfect world, rhetorical questions...


Blogger tehr0x0r said...

No the American public will not see this, as it is I work in an office with 5 women plus myself and one other male (who owns the company and is so obsessed with making more of his own money that he is voting for McCain based on tax policy...) at the moment two of the women who were going to vote for Obama are now voting for McCain because they think a woman should be in the vice presidents house, never mind that she doesn't have the qualifications to be there. Sad...

8:09 AM  

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