Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Evan Barker Shouldn't Have Raised Money for the Dems; They're Harming the Country

This is apparently published under various titles; the one I use above is a kind of synthesis.
I'd read it all, but here are some highlights/lowlights:
During the summer of 2020, I worked as a consultant for multiple progressive DA candidates backed by George Soros and his foundation. In the places where they won, these DAs have since done immeasurable damage to the local communities. They failed to prosecute offenders, especially surrounding drug use and distribution, and allowed crime to run rampant, hurting communities of color the most—the very people they were supposedly trying to help.
Unfortunately, the Soroses are just the tip of the iceberg.
I spent years fundraising for Democrats. I raised millions of dollars. And in the process, I routinely saw and heard about inappropriate relationships between donors and candidates that would bust anyone's bubble about the independence of our leaders. There is an entire donor ecosystem working against the interests of regular Americans—and it's the one top Democrats are swimming in.
Consider the long-time friendship between Kamala Harris and billionaire donor Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs. The New York Times described the women as being so close that they've gone on vacation together and consider each other family. Powell Jobs sat in Harris' exclusive friends and family suite at the DNC last month. She was also instrumental in getting Biden to step down to clear the way for Harris; one of her top aides circulated a polling memo to other key influential donors that allegedly showed Biden's inability to win.
Another name I've seen pop up many times in my years fundraising for progressive candidates is the San Francisco based Democratic donor and influencer Steve Phillips. Phillips has written books that focus heavily on the importance of race in politics, with titles like Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority and How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good. [My emphasis] [Note that those are two separate crazy titles, not one really long crazy title.]
Damning as this all is, of course it doesn't do us all that much good without knowing what things look like on the side of the red team for comparison... My guess is: bad...but not as bad. That's sort of the background state of the two major parties, so far as I can tell. The center of crazy has shifted way to the blue end of the spectrum. There doesn't, for example, seem to be any analog of George Soros...nor of his son...


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