Monday, January 02, 2023

WSJ: The U.S. Government's Woke Indoctrination

Don't call it "training."
God I hate being right all the time...
"DEI" is a mechanism for institutionalizing hard-left, progressive identity politics ideas and policies.
All the words--"diversity," "equity," "inclusion"--are equivocal or dual-aspect. They sound like they might all mean something like fairness. But they don't. They sound like they might be politically neutral--things everyone might agree with. But they all have a place in the vast network of leftist insanity that gives them specifically illiberal-leftist meanings. And in their actual applications, they are all hard-left and anti-liberal. They're the public face of an insane, surreal, dystopian worldview. They have been specifically engineered to have a public face that sounds nice. And happy. And liberal. But each has an esoteric face as well. And, on the esoteric side, each has a role in the theory, as well as actual applications, that are irrationalist, antiliberal, neo-racist, anti-Western, anti-American and prope-Lysenkoist. How so many people vaguely on the left can be sanguine about a theory that, in effect, declares that black is white and 2+2=5, I will never understand. Some women just have penises, you see. What's the big deal? What kind of bigot thinks that only men have penises? Obviously anyone who hesitates in any way to accept that there are female penises needs more "diversity" "training"...  Race has absolutely nothing to do with biology either, bigot. It, too, is a matter of self-identification. Except, of course, it isn't. Just ask Rachel Dolezal. Oh and, inconsistency, it's also a matter of social roles. As everything is. Because something something social construction.
   But the important part is that this whole burbling cauldron of deranged psychopathy must be force-fed to the entire country at once. It may not be criticized. It may not be questioned. Impermissibility of rational assessment is a crucial component of the view. Thou shalt not doubt might as well be its first commandment. Of course everything outside the view must be automatically questioned--and those questions are deemed automatically fatal. But nothing within the view is to be questioned. Everything in the view. Nothing outside the view. Nothing against the view.


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