Thursday, November 04, 2021

Swimming In A Sea Of Lies

We all now swim in a sea of utterly insane progressive lies and delusions. Men are women--and always have been, bigot. Racism pervades absolutely everything about the entire nation--largely invisible, undetectable, "systemic" racism. The Earth teeters on the very bring of Carbongeddon! If we don't reduce carbon emissions down to [2000 / 1950 / 1900 / 1825 / 1066] levels in [10...9...8...7...] years, it's CURTAINS for humanity!!! Also, curtains are racist. I mean--obviously. And these are just the Big Three lies. That's barely to scratch the surface. Oh--but don't forget the Master Lie: facts are racist...racist. To be more specific: facts always must magically conform themselves to progressive political fashion. And the most important corollary: science must also so conform...
   Universities--and this is a red alert situation--are at the forefront of this madness. What are allegedly our flagship truth-seeking institutions are the primary spreaders of this madness. To teach at a university is to be saturated in patent, lunatic falsehoods. My own august institution has just hired a consulting firm--that obviously specializes in telling far-left organizations that they are not far enough left--to tell us that we are not far enough left. This, of course, is a means to the end of moving the institution farther left. We have adopted--as our number 1 and guiding goal--the goal of "antiracism." This, let me remind you, is a university. To repeat: our number 1 goal is: antiracism. This is predicated on the obviously false assertion that we're saturated in racism. Which we aren't. At all. In about a quarter-century at this institution, the only overt racism I can ever remember encountering was someone on the left asserting, a couple of months ago, that all whites are oppressors. Other than that, what I've witnessed here is mostly: white people bending so far over backwards to avoid even any suggestion of a suggestions of (non-anti-white) racism that it's embarrassing. But we live in the lie that racism is everywhere here--and I'm the only faculty-member I've ever heard challenge that idea. Only because It's only a matter of time before I do that in front of some of the local leftist hysteriacs...and then there's gonna be a very large blowup...
   But the whole country lives in lies now. Not distant, esoteric ones, either. Obvious, outrageous falsehoods that anyone with so much as half a brain knows are stupid lies. 
Whaddaya think that does to a people, I wonder?


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