Saturday, June 05, 2021

Lafayette Square 1 Year Later: Trump Admin Was Right, PMSM Was Wrong (Yet Again)

This was all at least somewhat clear at the time. The PMSM's version of events always seemed less plausible / well-supported than the Park Police's version of events--though in this case, at least, the PMSM version wasn't obvious bullshit. It could have been true. Never-Trumpers like the reliably obtuse Bulwark made obviously shitty arguments--e.g. We found some tear gas canisters!!! Which, as I noted at the time, could have come from the MPD. After everything that had happened at Lafayette Square...hell those things could have been laying around for a week. The Park Police had to know that they would have been busted if they were lying--as did Barr. OTOH, the PMSM routinely lies about stuff like this and gets away with it--as they're going to do in this case. The only case they really had was that it isn't utterly and absurdly false to call pepper balls "tear gas." I mean...they're not tear gas, and law enforcement never calls them 'tear gas', and I've never heard them called tear gas...but they're kinda like some tear gas...except, y'know, not gas... Laaaame. The Park Police, OTOH, immediately said, basically: Sorry; we hadn't taken into account the fact that you people are totally full of shit and have no idea what you're talking about. We should have realized that, in order for you to understand what we were saying, we should have said something false instead of something true. Our bad.

 Anyway. As I haven't asked in awhile: if Trump is so bad, why does the left have to repeatedly continually lie about him? Why not just tell it like it is? There's a lot to honestly criticize. Like, a lot... His ridiculous trek to St. John's to wave the Bible around wasn't ridiculous enough for the left. Which tells you a lot about them. Although I kinda liked Trump walking around where the totalitarian lefty shitbags were pretending to have control just minutes before, the Bible thing was eye-rollerific. It was plenty ridiculous for me, and for everybody else with a brain. Not for the lefties, tho! Trump is never quite bad enough for them...weirdly.


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