Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Peter Wood:: Biden's CRT Plan For Schools Is A Death Ray Aimed At Children's Minds

CRT is about as plausible and well-supported as Scientology. Now, if you believe in Scientology, that's your business. Similarly: critical race theory. But if Scientology took over basically every university in the country, and from there suddenly spread out to take over all news media, K-12 education, book publishing, Hollywood and the rest of pop culture, sports, the bureaucracy...even the military...well...you'd be concerned. You'd be crazy not to be concerned. You'd be crazy not to be at FretCon 1. Now imagine that the government decreed that school kids should all be indoctrinated with the believe that Xenu is everywhere--including at the foundation and philosophical justification of the USA. Oh and: anyone who doubts this is an agent of Xenu...
   Whelp, that's basically where we are with CRT. An utterly daft theory, unsupported by significant facts and argumentation, has taken over. The new religion has swept through the blue team. They've seen the light. They've accepted Diversity Jesus as their lord and savior. And they've decided that you will, too. If you don't, they will wreck you. And they're crazy and powerful enough now to do it.
   Woe be to them who have kids in school... They're now going to be indoctrinated with crackpot race-ideology to go along with the crackpot "gender"-ideology. 
   Cue former liberals patiently explaining that This is no big deal and it's limited to campus and it'll all blow over soon and it's all really kinda right anyway, isn't it?


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