Sunday, April 12, 2020

Another Day In The Information Vacuum / Disinformation Pressure-Chamber

So I get up and scan the NYT and the WaPo to see whether there's anything I can't avoid reading. Summary:
Dateline: America:  ORANGE MAN BAD
I'd be distraught about our situation, I think, even if I had easy access to relatively reliable sources of information. But picking through the propaganda / disinformation / bullshit of the major media to try to piece together some kind of idea what's really going's a job of work.
An information vacuum would be one thing. But it seems more like a disinformation/propaganda pressure-chamber.

Seems clear to me that we're fruitlessly burning off prosperity. I don't see how anyone can still pretend, at this point, that the curve needs more flattening. Our goal now should, if anything, be to steepen the curve--trade some illness and death for more economic activity. As we do every day, in innumerable ways, all across the world. The curve could be a lot steeper and we'd still be below ICU capacity. OTOH, that doesn't figure PPE and health-care workers into the picture.
I don't know anything about this stuff. All I'm doing, as usual, is commenting on what things look like to a non-expert on the basis of the information available. The point is: no reasonable public case has been made for staying the present course.
In the OD, we have the added burden of knowing that Northam is almost guaranteed to be doing something stupid.


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