Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Was It Racist For Donald Trump Jr. To Doubt That Kamala Harris Is Black?

Of course not.
   That's utterly absurd.
   Wikipedia says that her mother is Indian and her father is Jamaican. As a matter of fact, Harris is half black. There's nothing wrong with her saying that she's black as a kind of shorthand--basically, if you're half or more race R, we seem to have a convention that allows you to just say that you're R.
   But, of course, certain facts are racist.
   And which ones are...well...progressives simply make that shit up as they go along.
   The comparison to birtherism makes no sense whatsoever, obviously.
   Furthermore, Trump Jr. seems to have retweeted something written by a black guy. So....was "questioning" Harris's race a racist thing for him to do as well?
   It looks like all the major Democratic candidates said something utterly idiotic about this. Bernie seems to have cheated about what was said so that he could make Jr.'s  tweet sound worse, so that he could criticize it without making a complete fool out of himself like the others. Which, I guess, is something.
   This nonsense seems to be rooted in the leftist idea that whatever you say about your race is unquestionable...which, somehow, didn't apply to Rachel Dolezal...but...that's different, bigot.
   Look, if I were half white and half Asian, you'd be perfectly entitled to point that out. There's simply nothing wrong with doing so.
   I suppose we add this to the rapidly-lengthening list of hatefacts.

[Also: looks like Don Lemon basically said the same thing. So Trump Jr. merely retweeted it. It was written by a black guy. It was the same thing that was said by a famous progressive black guy. And Larry Elder--also a black guy--argues that it wasn't racist...
Progressivism has lost its mind.]


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