Sunday, August 04, 2019

"Vox Confirms That Yes, They Do Want To Take Our Guns"

This Dylan Matthews fellow wants to:
(a) Confiscate all guns (good luck with that one, Dylan. As the saying now goes: send heavily-armed bachelors...)
(b) Repeal all immigration laws
(c) Give everyone a monthly allowance form the government.
   It really would be pretty hard to think of three stupider and more catastrophic policies. (a) would result in thousands of dead cops, National Guardsmen and ordinary citizens, and perhaps civil war 2.0. (b) would bring about the end of the United States as a viable political entity. And (c) would bankrupt whatever remnants of it were left over.
   These are the people and the ideas we're up against. They're not liberals. They are entirely unable to distinguish plausible policies from disastrous ones. They seem to have no particular commitment to the project of America, and would happily see the U.S. disappear in favor of more Europe. And they are absolutely, positively certain that they are right about everything.


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