Friday, July 14, 2017

Political Correctness And Sexual Attacks At Swedish Music Festivals

   Perhaps the current PC madness will spread/stick--in which case, we're screwed. But if it doesn't, people will look back on this decade in bafflement. It's pretty clear what happened at the Swedish music festivals--but there has bee a mad scramble to deny the apparent facts.  As I've said before, I think that the core characteristic of PC is the ability of its adherents to--almost effortlessly, it seems--pretend (or convince themselves to actually believe) that facts--even obvious facts--are not facts; and to accept instead politically-approved leftist dogma. (The right can do that too, of course, especially the religious right...but the phenomenon seems so much more pronounced in the relevant sectors of the left).
   So first we have the frantic contortions and official censorship involved in pretending that the attacks are not associated with "migrants" and identifiable ethnic groups. (See also: the Cologne and Hamburg attacks.) But...if everyone was going to participate in a collective lie about something like that, you'd think they'd try to move on as quickly as possible. The more you dwell on in, the more difficult it will be for people to maintain the quasi-belief in the fable. So that's why it seems like an extra level of craziness that we see essays like this going on and on about how this is about men in general, and all men have to blah blah blah, and what's needed are festivals with no men. You'd think that pushing it would make it more difficult to maintain the official myth. Wouldn't you? Though perhaps what you really want is a big, extensive lie... Empirical question, I guess. As we know, certain experts have argued that big lies are better.
   So: no one is to admit what really happened, because it is racist to admit that there's any link to ethnicity. (Which is, of course, different than it being false.) But it's perfectly acceptable and not at all sexist to pretend that this is a problem with all men--at least all Swedish men. As a further layer of nuttiness, the writer suggests that if you have the temerity to believe your lyin' eyes rather than the PC myth, then you're a double-dog racist something something white supremacists something something rape culture.
   Then there's the bit about how, though it's perfectly permissible to have an event that excludes all men, it's not permissible to exclude men who are pretending to be women... I've gotta draw the line somewhere, right?
   And, of course, questioning any of this insanity in any way is racist and "transphobic" and certainly many other terrible varieties of -ism and -phobia.
   I suppose it's too much to ask that all men will refuse to participate in the event, including bands and roadies. I mean, if you're going to have a "man-free" (but, note: not all-woman!) event, then have a truly man-free event. No dudes. No male acts, no male techies, no male cops. At least have the courage of your crazy convictions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't they just being flagrantly sexist so that they don't appear "racist", or rather so they don't admit the evident fact that a minority is the source of sexual violence here.

How is that ok on any level? I can't make either a moral or rational case for it.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Yeah...but...see...racism (against non-whites) is the worst thing a human being can do, no matter how minor the transgression. Sexism against men is not only permissible, it's *laudable*. Similarly racism against whites, of course. You can build an academic career on how evil whites and males are... And that's no exaggeration.

It's utter madness.

And--I know I say this all the time, but--in a way, the part that I find particularly repulsive is that this sort of thing is endorsed by governments, academicians, and at least some of the the at-least-semi-respectable media.

The Klan is the Klan. They suck, but everybody knows that. Everybody who matters hates them. they are powerless. Even an accidental *suggestion* that they're not the most evil group ever is the very end of you. This other stuff...this other kind of bigotry /'s openly endorsed by the powers that be. It's not only ok to endorse *this* kind of madness, it's becoming something like obligatory.

And, to beat another of my favorite drums: the relatively less-radical parts of the left may not be leading the charge...but they're going along with it...and not even all that reluctantly.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And--I know I say this all the time, but--in a way, the part that I find particularly repulsive is that this sort of thing is endorsed by governments, academicians, and at least some of the the at-least-semi-respectable media.

The Klan is the Klan. They suck, but everybody knows that. Everybody who matters hates them. they are powerless."

Exactly. From a risk management perspective, the anti-racist pseudo-religion is insane and useless. The evil of racism is completely priced in, and we have developed quite strong societal responses to it. But we have no where near come to terms with the harms of a people driven from their already tenuous grasp on sanity by a religious need to never appear *-ist.

Banishing all men from an event is child's play. Where this really gets awful is things like the Rotherham scandal, which is still the most despicable failure of authority I have seen in a long time. For exactly these reasons: the police there did not want to seem racist, so they turned a blind eye to immigrant gangs sexually enslaving thousands of young girls.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

"From a risk management perspective, the anti-racist pseudo-religion is insane and useless. The evil of racism is completely priced in, and we have developed quite strong societal responses to it. But we have no where near come to terms with the harms of a people driven from their already tenuous grasp on sanity by a religious need to never appear *-ist."

Yeah, keep making this kind of point, Anon.

I think it's important, and I want to make sure it sinks into my head.

10:58 AM  

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