Monday, November 24, 2008

Pro-Palin Ad Soon Excreted From a TeeVee Near You


OMFG. The extra-super-wingnutty wing of the non-reality-based community has really outdone itself with this one. Fortunately we've seen that even sensible conservatives were chagrined by Sarah Palin's...well...very existence. So this should be little more than an opportunity for some lolz.

One thing you can give this ad: Palin really does remind me of Reagan. Reagan got the ball rolling on the GOP strategy that gave us Shrub--what I think of as the brainless frontman strategy. Reagan was an avuncular buffoon who many people tended to like, and who had a kind of knack for reading the teleprompter. He doddered around in the office exercising an indeterminate amount of control on the executive branch. The same group of crooks and liars that populated the Nixon administration largely survived through Reagan and up to Bush '43. The overall strategy: keep that organized group of criminals in power by finding brainless frontmen to get elected and keep the crooks in power. Bush '41, whatever you might think of him, was a little too smart and feckful for this strategy to work well with him, as were Dole and McCain. But Bush '43 was perfect--and Palin may even be more of an empty suit: the perfect brainless frontman: the most rosa of all tabulae. Completely ignorant, with no grasp of policy whatsoever, ready to be molded and manipulated by the boys behind the scenes.

Though now the Nixonians are fixing to die out, and I'm hopeful that they won't be replaced. The only comparably cohesive and nutty group I can think of off the top of my head is the neo-cons...but they f*cked up even more thoroughly than the Nixonites, and I suppose it seems a little unlikely that they could pull off the same kind of thing.

So this should be nothing more than an opportunity to laugh at the eminently deserving Palin once again.

Oh, man. See how these people are making me mean and paranoid?


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